Saturday, January 29, 2011

A good weather day can make all the difference

When I was a freshman in college, I had to take a psychology class to satisfy a core requirement.  One of our assignments was to pair up and conduct a psychology experiment, and my partner and I did ours on the effects of music on a person's mood.  I can't remember who my partner was, although, I do remember that we fudged most of our data and made up the results based on what we thought they should be.  It made sense that certain songs or types of music can change a person's mood for the better OR for worse.  The same is true of the weather, and this is not something that I came up with on my own, it is a proven psychological fact that a good weather day can change one's mood for the better.

Winter has got to be the hardest of all the seasons.  It's cold, gray, and dreary, but every now and then mother nature will smile down upon you and somewhere in the middle of January, there will be one perfect weather day.  Today was one of those perfect weather days.  It was sunny, there was not a cloud in the sky, and it was about 72 degrees.  It was a perfect spring day, and it's January 29th. 

I took complete advantage of this perfect day.  I did some shopping at Wal-Mart, cleaned out and washed my car, and went on a bike ride (motorcycle, not bicycle) with my husband.  Tonight, we went to one of our friend's house for dinner and two games of Pictionary on the Wii.  It was a good day, and I love good days!  Who knows how long it might be before Mother Nature has pity on us and throws a spring day into the middle of winter. 

Anyway, the weather made all the difference in my mood today, and it was so nice to have a break from the winter doldrums. 

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