So it's game playing time on "The Biggest Loser". Alliances are starting to form, we are finally starting to see exactly where the players' loyalties lie. I still can't bring myself to care too much about these people, but NBC is certainly listening to the viewers and editing the show a bit differently from most of the episodes this season.
The excuse this week is "I'm out of my comfort zone", so BL takes the contestants out of their comfort zone by switching trainers. Bob is training the red team this week, and Dolvett is training the black team. They seem to take the change fairly well, and Bob and Dolvett are definitely excited about the prospect of torturing a new group of people. BL also, in another effort to take the teams out of their comfort zone, gives the team who wins the weigh-in the power to decide who from the losing team will go home. Interesting....let's see how this plays out.
In an effort to create some likability for these contestants, Bob sits down with Buddy to find out what happened to his daughter six years ago. Buddy explains how there were problems with his daughter's development. She was missing a kidney, a spleen, and had multiple problems. Buddy and his wife decided to carry the baby to term, and after multiple surgeries, she passed away peacefully. It was a tragically sad story, and more typical of the types of stories we're used to hearing on BL until this season.
Well, if you really want to take people out of their comfort zone, then make them wallow in a mud pit looking for weights. That's exactly what the challenge was last night. The first team to collect 40 weights would win a 2 lb. advantage on the scale. Megan, the self-proclaimed country girl, was right at home in mud (her words, not mine), but Emily was not happy about it at all. Apparently, the former Olympic weight lifter, is somewhat of a girly girl and does not like to get dirty. The teams are neck and neck for awhile until Emily gets in there and digs around for what seems like an hour and can't find a weight. This gives the red team a huge opportunity to get ahead, which they do. Poor, little mud-soaked Emily does eventually find a weight, and one by one the black team closes the gap. It comes down to Mark and everybody's favorite contestant, Conda. Mark does pull out the win for the red team in the end, and with a 2 lb. advantage, things are looking pretty bleak for the all-girl black team.
We heard Emily and Cassandra talk about getting rid of Buddy, which makes sense that they would want to get rid of some of the bigger men on the ranch. Conda went to Buddy and Jeremy and told them that she was approached by Cassandra and Emily about forming an all girl's alliance. Now, viewers didn't see this conversation between the three girls, so Conda may or may not have been telling the truth. For obvious reasons, Conda will not vote her brother out. Nobody should be surprised by that. I wouldn't turn on my brother either. If Conda was telling the truth, then Emily and Cassandra are probably two worst strategists in the history of BL. Megan and Chris would have been more logical choices because neither one of them have a male partner still in the house. It's somewhat disappointing to see Conda not stay true to her current teammates, especially after convincing them to throw a weigh-in to get rid of Daphne, however nobody should be surprised that she's still loyal to her "red team roots", so to speak.
So, let's get to the weigh-in. Red team hits the scale first, and their numbers are NOT good. Of course Bob is shocked, because they worked so hard...blah blah blah. They may have worked hard, but they lost a lot of weight during the 18 days they were home, and with the change in trainers, it would be unrealistic to expect them to pull great numbers. The black team has to lose more than 19 lbs to beat the red team, and Emily scores a nasty look from Dolvett when she mentions that there's no way they've lost that much. Kind of a negative attitude there, Emily, but oh so realistic. There's no way they are going to beat the black team, and they don't. Their numbers are HORRIBLE, but, as usual, Dolvett makes a bunch of excuses for his newly-acquired black team and reminds them about how proud they should be, etc. etc. Emily loses the highest percentage of weight loss and wins the title of biggest loser for the week.
Chris, Megan and Cassandra all plead their cases to the red team, and in my opinion this is when things really took a strange turn. All of a sudden we hear from Emily and Kim that they only want to compete with the best, and Cassandra is one of the best, so they should keep her on the ranch. I have to admit I fast-forwarded through some of this conversation because I was getting a little bored with the tears and everybody saying how badly they still needed to be there. In the elimination room, we did finally find out how many of the contestants are loyal to Conda. Buddy won't vote for her, Kimmy thinks of her as a daughter, and Jeremy will never send his sister home. This is only leaves three people to choose from, with Cassandra being the logical choice since the guys were given the impression that she was gunning for them. Cassandra ended up going home, which didn't really upset me too much. She did take part in the plan to throw the weigh-in, and her constant complaining about Chris last night was driving me bananas. As far as I'm concerned, Chris is the only person left who didn't treat Adrian and Daphne like total crap, and I don't want to see her leave.
They are finally going to singles next week, which should change up the game quite a bit. Conda has a lot of people loyal to her, so I don't see her leaving unless she falls below that infamous "red line". We shall see......
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